Thursday, March 5, 2009

InDesign makes my world go round

I am a design nerd. I love fonts (except for Comic Sans, which is evil). I have a habit of pointed out which ones are used in billboards, programs and movie trailers. Adobe InDesign and I have a long term relationship. In the last year, I have spent more time with this program than with my family.

At last, all that nerdiness has been put to good use. Presenting the baby of the Communications Unit, conceived by many hours with InDesign, several weeks of visiting the countryside and a lot of editing. The LWF Cambodia 2008 Annual Report. Ta dah!

Check out the full report at


S said...

The annual report looked great. I didn't read every word (sorry!), but I did look at every page and all the pretty pictures (and the credits on the back cover). Go you!

David Blatner said...

Congratulations, Rachel! Glad you're having fun with InDesign. ;)
--david blatner,

DIANNE @ dolli photography said...

Hah! You are forever scarred to name random fonts. :) Wait, default courier isn't evil as well??

Glad you're enjoying yourself!

Margaret+Marcus said...

Oops, Rachel, I think I left a few documents there with a splash of Comic Sans! Sorry.
Congratulations on the annual report. It looks wonderful. So good to have such a skilled hand on its production. You can be sure we will read every word of it.

amanda + daniel said...

this looks great, rachel!

Sakistan said...

Someday I'm going to get a job designing for a major publication. Just so I can switch all the fonts in an entire magazine to comic sans. I'll be sure to mail you a copy.

Go you, and go InDesign. We always knew you two went well together.